![]() 09/10/2013 at 15:20 • Filed to: match a car, oppositelock | ![]() | ![]() |
We all know that a person's car choice will often reflect on their personality. How about we try to do it the other way? I'll give you a description of a person and you'll try to come up with a perfect car for them.
You may post cars that are reasonably within reach for the described person, or ones that aren't but seem like they would suit them perfectly (although I'd prefer you stick to the former choice). Also, try to stick to mass produced cars. I know that hot rods are cool, but I'd rather you keep it within reason.
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Person 1:
18 year old teenage male who just got his licence. 5'10", still in high school and unlikely to graduate on time. He lives with his rich parents in an exclusive neighbourhood. In his free time he hangs out with his less than reputable friends or shouts at people in Call of Duty. He can't fix cars or use manual gearboxes. He's likely to engage in illegal street racing and drive while drunk.
Person 2:
A 20 year old male university student, future engineer, severe academic underachiever but a smart person in general. 5'8", short blonde hair, very skinny. He iives in a city about 60 miles away from his parents with 2 roommates. He worked hard throughout the summer holidays to save up a small amount of money for his first hooptie. He's somewhat into cars and is able to perform some very basic maintenance/repairs and drive a manual. He needs something he can drive home each weekend.
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Person 1:
Because that little shit doesn't deserve anything faster.
Person 2-
Because that dude deserves something cheap, reliable, and fixable,
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Person 1: Grand Marquis w/interceptor package, black, tinted windows. Add: aftermarket rims, under-body lighting.
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Person 1 is why there won't be any Mk.4 Supras for later generations to enjoy. The non-modded ones are already all but gone.
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Person 1 was an Evo X until no manual.
Not sure about person 2.
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person #2
person #1
ps. I like these questions...keep up the good work.
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Person 2: Mazda2, MT. Only a few years old. Economical, Sporty, Fun to drive. He doesn't seem concerned about image. Wanted a Miata, but he made the practical choice.
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Will do. As long as there are people to base these on I'll keep posting them. :]
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Person 1 gets a Honda Civic:
Person 2 gets a VW Golf:
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18 year-old irresponsible douche: a W123 240D. It is classy enough that it won't get his McMansion-owning parents in trouble with their HOA, needs very little maintenance as long as you watch the fluids and is far too slow for fuckwad to street race.
20 year-old smart and capable slacker: a VW Type 1. Anything he'll have to do to that car could be considered "basic maintenance" relative to the complexity of other cars. He's not rich so it'd be good for him to get a car that he'll always be able to at least get what he paid for it. If he stays on top of the maintenance, he should have no problem driving home every weekend (although, seriously? Cut the cord, dude, you're an adult now and your 'rents didn't really think they'd be seeing you so damn often).
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If his parents are $150,000 a year rich:
1. Brand new Civic Si
Because he's an idiot who still thinks that "civic" and "Street racer" go together, but because his parents have money (yet don't want to spoil him) they're going to waste $30,000 on a new car that gets good MPG and is relatively safe, yet he's still okay with.
Alternatively, Nissan 370z if he cares more about HP numbers /brochure stats than image.
If his parents are $300,000+ per year rich...
2013 Porsche Boxster. No explanation needed.
If his parents are $1,000,000+ per year rich...
911 GT3 RS.
As for Person #2,
A 1998 Mustang GT. They are awesome highway cruisers, very cheap to get ahold of, and he can exercise his mechanical knowledge on them easily. He considers it a good investment, knowing that it won't lose money, and still has a manual. It's one of the best-looking and most comfortable cars in his price range that isn't over 20 years old.
Not to mention (and I know this from personal experience) short skinny people fit really well in those seats. He won't mind the low roof either.
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Person 1 screamed 1-series to me for some reason. I feel like there was someone in my h.s. like that...
Person 2 is more difficult. A buddy of mine had a mid-90's Volvo and ran that senseless until last year. Sounds appropriate.
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Person 1
2013 BMW 328i with the M Sport Package
Person 2
1991 Honda Accord Wagon 5 Speed
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We only dream that this was reality.
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The Evo X can come with flappy paddles.
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Person # 1 should get around on two feet, a bike, and a bus.
Person # 2 should put all that money he earned right back into college because college is flippin' expensive.
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Hmmmm.... I think they are a thing. My local PD (Cobb County) gave their supervisors Grand Marquis for a while - decked out with lights and all (and I assume an interceptor package)
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Totally forgot. My answer remains, then.
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I mean a rich 18 year old wanting to own a Gran Marquis and bling it out. Mommy and Daddy will worry that he's not in a new, safer car with better gas mileage, and they wouldn't get him something unsafe or old (old being anything past 2-3 years ago) unless it screamed "luxury" to their neighbor and his friends at school.
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1. Nissan GT-R
2. Porsche 944 found in a used car lot.
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Good answers.
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1. There is no way $300k+/yr buys your kid a brand new boxter. I think that would be reserved for the $1m+ and even that is crazy.
I know lots of people in both those categories who would never do that. You get the 7-10 year old hand me down car as an excuse for your parents to buy a new one.
The 911 is trust fund territory.
![]() 09/11/2013 at 07:02 |
person #1
because plastic + flames + accord = street racer who can't drive stick
![]() 09/11/2013 at 07:05 |
because all college students who like cars should drive volvos
![]() 10/01/2013 at 16:51 |
1. A brand new Mustang convertible V6. Rich kids in movies always have these...
2. Inspired by Brian's answer, I'll say a VW Jetta Mk2.
(wtf I could barely find a picture of a stock Mk2 Jetta, are all of them stanced?)